If your life turn its back to you kick its arse :)

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Trust in yourself *

There are some important rules for those who want to go far in any area in their lives.
         “Self-Confidence” is the word. If you trust in your capacities, if you believe in your skills and if you know that you are able to do anything, you will have half way done to succeed.
         Do not give up at the first fall, do not stress at the first trouble. We all have them and we all can go through them.
         It is forbidden to say that you are less able than the other to do a task. No one is better than you, no one is more skilled than you in average. It does not matter if someone can achieve high grades in a specific area, because you will get other stuff quite easier. Hence, it is pointless to victimize yourself.
         We all have weaknesses and we all have moments of darkness and despair. However all the bad moments fade way, nothing lasts forever and you have to fight against the bad thoughts about yourself, to defeat all the demons in your mind that tear you down and make you believe that you are weak.
        Trust in yourself, you have to bear in mind that you can do it. Why not? BELIEVE, HAVE SELF-CONFIDENCE. Stop saying "I can not do it". Say instead "Yes I can do it, Yes I am skilled, Yes I will achieve my goals"

         If your life is going in the wrong way, you can change your path. Only you can make the things happen. You are the main character of your life. So treat yourself kindly because if you go
t this far, you will go even further. 

And smile :) Because you are beautiful *