If you need a change in your life do not wait for tomorrow.
Do it today!
If you want to forgive someone do not wait for tomorrow
Do it today!
If you want to set up your goals and conquer your dreams, do not wait for tomorrow
Start it today!
Believe me tomorrow can be to late.
Time does not wait for you to decide so don't wait for the time to make your choices.
Today is the right time. Go ahead and you won't regret it.
"Attitude": a simple and small word that can make all the difference! Attitude is a must in our lives if you want to go far. Showing that you have attitude can make all the difference.
It is like confidence but in a different perspective and with a different approach.
If you have attitude you will see things get simpler.
If you want to prove to someone that you are the right person to do the task required, you must show attitude. Be brave.
Attitude changes everything.
It is portrayed in your positive thoughts, in your confidence and in your great view for the future.
Make it happen, show up your amazing attitude and believe me, you will achieve really high goals.
Attitude can be your gateway for your success.
Be different, break the standards.
Just be yourself and take the best out of your great attitude.
I couldn't believe when I woke up and figured out that December had arrived. It means the winter is coming and the cold days are going to get worse.
Well, I like December. It is the month of the family parties like Christmas and New Year, at least for me.
When I was a child, I was used to build up the Christmas Tree with my family on this day. I was used to buy a chocolate calendar and eat the little squares until Christmas Eve ( I am still doing it).
I like to enjoy the cold and listen to the rain when I am at home drinking an hot chocolate and being wrapped in my favourite duvet. So good!
December, December...welcome!
The last month of the year.
The first month of the winter
One of my favourite months.
And I believe December is going to be a great month.
Great things are just coming to cheer up my life.
December arrived is time to smile because you are beautiful:)
I was not born to be skinny and tall. I was born to be happy and loved.
I was not born to be tore down. I was born to be a fighter, a warrior and a conqueror.
I am not useless, I am not weak and I am not easy to defeat. I came to this world to win and achieve the highest goals.
That's it.
I am who I am and I am very proud of it.
I know how to take the best of my capacities.
I enjoy myself in the way I am.
I do not need to follow society's stereotypes. I know that I am beautiful and I know that my personality is something created by my life experience.
I am unique and I am not going to change. I like myself, I love myself and there is no one or anything that can change it. I am smiling because I am beautiful :)
These days, life taught
me that no one has to believe in what I believe, no one has to see what I see,
no one has to feel what I feel and no one has to think as I think. I learnt
that no one has to understand what I do or what I say. No one has to accept my
decisions not even to understand them.
No one makes my way on my behalf; no one makes
my decisions neither has an effect
on them. I make my own path, it’s me who chooses
and I make the decisions. Only I and no
one else.
I have to pick
myself up from my own falls, it is me who has to learn from mistakes and to
make a better future.
It is me who has to
fight for my happiness, success and future. No one is going to make it, no one
wants to make it and no one can make it, because the life is mine and only mine.
I need to understand
that it does not matter how much my background is safe neither how strong it
is, it won’t bring me success. I have to step forward, defeat my fears, difficulties
and nightmares and feel the pain and the sacrifice on my skin, because no one
is going to feel for me. My achievements
have to be a result of my effort.
In theory, there are
some people who care about me who say that they would make the sacrifice of
suffering in my behalf. However in practice, we all know that is not possible.
That’s it, in this
world I just can count on me. I have to trust on me and love myself. Because,
knowing my capacities, knowing that my goals depend on my devotion, sacrifice and
commitment, I know that I will make everything to get what I want. No one else
is going to do it.
Nothing falls from
the sky. I get what I fight for, not what others do. I win what I convince myself
to win. I just get that because at least I try. Believing, having hope and
trying are the keys to get half of the triumph. It is worthless to turn my
back, to give up and to regret. No one is going to care about me or feel sorry.
They are right, completely right. It is completely useless to feel like a
victim. I will just have the sad feeling of shame.
I just have to bear
in mind some great moral values like dignity, self-love, humbleness and
simplicity. They are basic, but they can make the difference.
I only have to know
that I have value and am able to go far away on my feet. The cross that I carry
on my back is mine and only mine. It was designed according to my capacity if
carrying it. Hence, everything in my life is bearable.
I am a person like
everybody else: strong and skilled. I am not better or worst.
I know that I
achieve those goals that I really want to, those aims that I fight with all my
power. Because I know that everything
depends on me
A friend of mine sent me this video and lyrics to heal my spirit and soul. It was more than that. I felt blessed.
Thank you!
"Aloha Ke Akua ॐ
Lend your ears, lend your hands,
Lend your movement, anything you can.
Come to teach, come to be taught.
Come in the likeness in the image of God.
Cause, you can be like that.
With all that humbleness, and all that respect.
All of the power invested in me,
be it hard to love my enemies.
All of the black bags over the heads of the dead and dying.
The more I understand about the human race,
the less I comprehend about our purpose and place
and maybe if there was a clearer line
the curiosity would satisfy.
Time based prophecies that kept me from living,
in the moment I am struggling
to trust the divinity of all the guides
and what the hell they have planned for us.
I cry for the creatures who get left behind
but everything will change in a blink of an eye
and if you wish to survive,
you will find the guide inside.
I go back and forth every single day,
the clarity that comes to me in a choppy way,
as the feelings and the places
and the seasons change,
the galaxies remain.
Energy fields cone the body in space.
The angels that are coming from a spiritual waste.
The hate that gets me distant from my spiritual pace.
Ten fold the manna when the planets are in place, in polar alignment.
We're on assignment.
Bodies on consignment.
Return them to the circus.
And what is the purpose?
What is the purpose and would you believe it?
Would you believe it
if you knew what you were for
and how you became so informed?
Bodies of info performing such miracles.
I am a miracle made up of particles
and in this existence,
I'll stay persistent,
and I'll make a difference
and I will have lived it.
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Each day that I wake,
I will praise, I will praise.
Each day that I wake,
I give thanks, I give thanks.
Each day that I wake,
I will praise, I will praise.
Each day that I wake,
I give thanks, I give thanks.
And the day that I don't wake up
and transcend the holy make-up,
I am capable, I am powerful.
And the day that I don't wake up
and transcend the holy makeup,
I am on my way to a different place....
I'm not a leader, just a creature,
seeking the features of a teacher.
Whether you follow or whether you lead
All mysterious ways of nature and I'm into it.
Changing management.
And there are various ways to conquer this monotonous metropolis,
my stubbornness is bottomless,
my fearlessness is talking shit
and I'm wide awake and I'm taking names.
I am not a leader, just a creature.
Seeking the features of a teacher.
Whether you follow or whether you lead
All mysterious ways of nature and I'm into it.
I'm into it.
Changing management.
And there are various ways to conquer this monotonous metropolis,
my stubbornness is bottomless,
my fearlessness is talking shit
and I am wide awake.
And I'm taking names.
And there are various ways to conquer this monotonous metropolis,
my stubbornness is bottomless,
my fearlessness is talking shit,
and I'm wide awake and I'm taking names.
Do you speak to me like you speak to God?
All of the love and understanding between the father and the son?
Do you believe in the perfectness of where you are?
These are my people, these are my children,
this is the land that I would fight for.
My solidarity is telling me to patiently
be moving the musical medicine around the planet in a hurry,
Cuz there's no time to waste.
Got to wake up the people time to stand up and say,
we know what we are for
and how we became so informed.
Bodies of info, performing such miracles.
I am a miracle, made up of particles
and in this existence,
I'll stay persistent
and I'll make a difference
and I will have lived it. ........
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Each day that I wake,
I will praise, I will praise.
Each day that I wake,
I give thanks, I give thanks.
Each day that I wake,
I will praise, I will praise.
Each day that I wake,
I give thanks, I give thanks.
And the day that I don't wake up
and transcend the holy make-up,
I am capable, Hm that's right,
I am powerful.
And the day that I don't wake up and transcend the holy make-up,
I am on my way to a different place!
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Music by Nahko - Aloha Ke Akua. Visual production by The Mates Group for Estrellas Del Bicentario. Shot in Mexico with Phantom & Red One Cameras.
Some days you want to be on your own.
You do not want to see or talk to someone. You just want to be alone.
Those days you make questions to yourself, you think about yourself and about the world...
You feel that nothing makes sense, you think that all your effort is in vain. Your will of living is fading away.
You see that the world is better without you, you believe that no one cares about you.
You try to find strength to change that feeling but the darkness doesn't let you
You try to find positive thoughts but only mean words come to your mind
You try to find hope and look to the bright side but the cruel voices and the evil laughs of your bad memories remind you that you are just a toy in people hands.
Everyone can kick you because you are not strong enough to stop them
Everyone can spit in your face because you are so worthless.
Who cares about you?
Who cares about your insignificance?
No one, no one and no one.
And then you realise that you are the only one who sees things that way.